
13.03.2019 – ESG Lunch: Defining ESG Principles, guidelines and Practices

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lpea esg 2019

ESG Lunch: Defining ESG Principles, guidelines and Practices

13.03.2019 | 12.00 – 14.00 | Deloitte Villa | organised by the LPEA ESG Committee

Exclusive to members of LPEA

About the ESG Committee

The LPEA ESG Committee was launched in November 2018 with the aim to support responsible investment practices among Luxembourg-based capital investment actors. The first meeting held on November 12th 2018 demonstrated a clear interest from PE actors:

The group participants expressed their interest to respond to the urging needs for clear reporting guidelines and help LPEA members to guide their ESG strategies based on European best practices.

The group is convinced that Luxembourg financial environment offers a unique possibility to develop innovative sustainable investment practices.

First ESG Lunch

The first of a series of ESG lunches will welcome the following speakers:

  • Anne Canel, Managing Director of Groupe HLD
  • Oriane Schoonbroodt, Executive Director of Label R and two guest speakers:
  • Viviana Occhionorelli, ESG Director, Astorg
  • Aglaé Touchard-le Drian, Senior Investment Manager, EIB

A light lunch will be served.


The lunch will be kindly offered and held at Deloitte Villa (655 rue de Neudorf; Luxembourg).

To park we recommend you to use the visitors’ parking under Deloitte’s main building (560 Rue de Neudorf)

You can also use the bus line n.9 (stop Kalchesbruck)

Guest Speakers

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Viviana Occhionorelli, ESG Director, Astorg

Before joining Astorg Viviana worked as Global Sustainability Manager at Barco and as European Environmental Manager at Sony Electronics. Viviana has an expertise in circulare economy, eco-design and suply chain sustainability.

Viviana studied Sustainable Development at Imperial College London, has a master in environmental TEchnology from Oxford Brookers and an MBA from Vlerick Business School

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Aglaé Touchard-le Drian, Senior Investment Manager, EIB

Aglaé is Senior Investment Manager at the European Investment Bank Group (EIB, EIF, GEEREF) where she deals with Ompact of Private Equity in Emerging Countries and Europe.

She previously worked at EIF’s social impact investing team and was exposed to capital investments in developing and emerging economies through her experience at both the EIB and the French Development Agency (AFD), within the Private Equity team of Proparco where she also worked on renewable energy projects.

Prior to that, Aglaé worked in strategic consulting (with LEK Consulting) and Investment banking (with Rothschild & Cie).





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