
Luxembourg Private Equity Seminar in Frankfurt (7.11.2019)

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Luxembourg Private Equity Conference in Frankfurt

Luxembourg: International private equity location

German fund managers have been working successfully with Luxembourg for decades. In this seminar we will discuss the current opportunities that Luxembourg offers to German PE companies in a practical way. Which fund structures have proven themselves best on the market and are efficient for German investors? What does a Luxembourg fund mean for day-to-day operations?

This discussion is embedded in the current developments around Brexit, the emerging changes in the AIFM directive as well as global tax issues such as ATAD. Experts from Luxembourg and Germany discuss together. PE managers report on their experiences in Luxembourg and give an insight into the leading private equity center of the EU.

The event takes place in German.


8.00: registration and breakfast in the Museums Café

8.30 am: Opening and greeting by the BAI

8.35: Greeting by LPEA

8.40: What are the advantages of Luxembourg PE structures for German investors and fund managers?

  • Presentation of practice-relevant PE structures
  • Investment advisor model
  • Structuring the remuneration models
  • Significance of the upcoming revision of the AIFM directive and cross-border fund sales
  • Effects of current global tax developments on Luxembourg PE structures

Panel discussion:

– Patricia Volhard, Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton
– Jeffrey Kolbet, Senior Associate, Elvinger Hoss Prussen
– Oliver R Hoor, Partner, Head of Transfer Pricing and the German Desk, Atoz
– Hans Stamm, Partner, Dechert
– Daniel Krauspenhaar, Director – Dr . Jur. – Attorney, Wildgen ( Moderator)

9.25: Interview with a German PE fund manager

  • Decision making for Luxembourg
  • Experience at the PE location in Luxembourg
  • Marketing to German investors

– Maria Löwenbrück, Member of the Management Board of Union Investment Luxembourg SA
– Carmen von Nell-Breuning, Associate Director, EY Luxembourg

9.45: Operational aspects of a Luxembourg PE structure

  • Substance requirements taking into account CSSF circular 18/698
  • Insourcing versus outsourcing: service offering in Luxembourg
  • Risk management & investor reporting

– Dominik Becker, Head Business Development, LRI Group
– Anja Grenner, Head of Funds, Intertrust Luxembourg
– Nic Müller, Associate Partner, CFA, KPMG ( moderator)

10.30: Closing word by the BAI

10.35 – 11.00: Get-Together in the Museums Café


About LPEA

Die Luxembourg Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LPEA) ist die Interessenvertretung der Private Equity und Venture Capital Professionals in Luxemburg.  Mit 225 Mitgliedern bietet die LPEA eine einzigartige Plattform für PE- und VC-Praktiker, um die Branche in Luxemburg zu diskutieren und zu entwickeln, und wirbt aktiv für Luxemburg als PE-Hub auf internationaler Ebene, da es ein stabiles und mehrsprachiges Umfeld für Investoren bietet.

Seit Oktober 2019 begrüßt die LPEA neue Mitglieder aus dem Ausland. Ausländische Private Equity-Firmen mit Sitz in Luxemburg können nun näher am luxemburgischen PE/VC-Sektor sein, an den Veranstaltungen des Verbandes teilnehmen und sich an dessen Initiativen beteiligen. um weitere Mitgliedschaftsbesuche zu erkunden “LPEA-Mitgliedschaft“.



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