
GV Summit: Silicon Valley lands in Luxembourg (19-21/11/2019)

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Silicon Valley lands in Luxembourg

Global Ventures Summit 2019 | 19-21 November | Belval, Luxembourg

Register before the early bird discount ends July 20th, with discount code: GVSBIRD19 on: https://www.gvsummit.co/tickets-lux

The first GVS to be held in Europe is scheduled for the 19/20/21st of November, and the objective is to hold the Summit in Luxembourg on a yearly basis until at least 2022. The goal of GVS Luxembourg is to expose seasoned Silicon Valley VCs to the European start-up ecosystem, with a particular focus on Luxembourg as a core start-up hub and a super connected financial hub. According to Ahmed Shabana, conference director and Partner of Parkpine Capital, “we are expecting over 10 deals with over $50M in value between start-ups, venture funds, and limited partners as a result of the global audience gathering over 1500 participants from over 50 countries”.

The Global Venture Summit (GVS) is the leading summit experience with the highest chance of securing start-up capital or Venture Capital financing. Nine Companies in the last 4 GVS events have secured funding of over $25M USD. The summit is structured to focus on leaving the summit not only with takeaways from high-profile venture capitalists but with funding! Deal rooms will be set up during the summit to fulfil this purpose. Great entrepreneurs don’t just come out of Silicon Valley, and GVS seeks to provide financing and global support to the best business ideas, start-ups, and entrepreneurs from all over the globe.

Ahmed Shabana argues that “attending GVS is the chance for start-ups to meet hundreds of powerful investors from around the world, to pitch their ideas and solutions for the chance to gain funding, investment and mentoring support”. GVS attendees will include major US funds such as Kleiner Perkins, Draper Nexus, Prtizker Group, Microsoft Ventures, HTC Ventures and many more. Some high profile speakers include Eric Bielke, Director at GE Ventures; Alex Estevez, Partner at Accel Partners; Tim Chae, Partner at 500 Startups; and many more. You can check the line-up page hereafter www.gvsummit.co/speakers-lux




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