
Luxembourg Private Equity Reception in London (11.09.2019)

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Luxembourg Private Equity Reception in London

11.09.2019 | 5 p.m. | Luxembourg Ambassador’s Residence, London

H.E. Ambassador Jean Olinger kindly hosted our latest London event for the second time this year, on the theme of “After 30 years at the crossroads between the public and private sectors, in Luxembourg & the EU: What’s next as (hard?) Brexit is looming”, with VIP keynote speaker Luc Frieden, former Minister of Finance of Luxembourg, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg, Chairman of the board of directors of Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) and Partner at law firm Elvinger Hoss Prussen. The event confirmed the growing interest of London-based GPs and LPs for increased Luxembourg PEVC presence, as an added pillar to their existing operations. Thank you to our sponsors for facilitating the event.

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