
Nordic Private Capital Day (14 February 2017) – Stockholm

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Private Equity Insights creates unrivalled networking opportunities within the Private Equity ecosystem through distinguished regionally-focused events and is a dedicated platform operating in Europe and Asia. The Nordic Private Capital Day is a one-day event that joins more than 50 speakers, a keynote and around 250 attendees within the Nordic Private Equity scene. Private Equity Funds, Limited Partners, Fund of Funds, Venture Capital, CEO of PE-backed companies, startups and Business Angels will all gather on the 22nd of November in Stockholm. Join our distinguished regionally-focused event and meet the most significant Nordic PE players such as: Adams Street Partners, AlpInvest, Bain Capital, BlackRock, Hermes GPE, Adveq Management, EQT, KKR and many others.

LPEA’s members have access to an exclusive 20% discount through the following coupon code: NPCD_LPEA

Limited Partners* benefit from a free entrance to the Conference.

*Are qualified for complimentary invitations Pension Funds, Family Offices, Foundations, Endowments, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Insurance Companies, DFIs and Business Angels that do not engage in third-party fundraising activities or collect fees for advisory/consulting services.









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