
6th AIFM Directive Conference (29 November 2016) – London

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CityPoint, One Ropemaker Street, London EC2Y 9SS

15% discount off for LPEA Members by quoting ref. ‘LPEA2016’ via www.aifmdirective.co.uk

Event overview:

Through company case studies, in-depth presentations and panel discussions, Private Equity Forum’s 6th AIFM Directive 2016 Conference will provide you with clarification on the next series of changes to ensure you are aware of the necessary key actions and deadlines.

2016 Programme highlights:

KEYNOTE SPEECH – Regulators UPDATE: Latest European policy developments

Sven Gentner, Acting Head of Unit for Asset Management, DG FISMA – European Commission

Specifically timed to provide you with updates from the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) advice to the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission:

  • Remuneration
  • Notifications of AIFs
  • Reporting to national competent authorities under Articles 3, 24 and 42
  • Notification of AIFMs
  • MiFID services under Article 6(4) of the AIFMD
  • Depositaries
  • Calculation of leverage
  • Delegation
  • Calculation of the total value of assets under management
  • Additional own funds
  • Scope
  • Impact of Regulation (EU) 648/2012 (EMIR) on AIFMD

Why you should attend:

  • 13 Speakers inc. European Commission
  • 2 Chairs inc. Preqin and Coller Institute of Private Equity, London Business School
  • 2 panel discussions
  • 100+ key decision makers attending
  • 10 sponsors
  • 4 networking breaks during the day with catering served in the exhibition hall

LPEA – Luxembourg Private Equity & Venture Capital Association promo text and code:

“As a Support Partner of Private Equity Forum’s AIFM Directive Conference, we are delighted to extend the following offer to you:

15% discount off to attend Private Equity Forum’s 6th AIFM Directive 2016 Conference on Tuesday 29 November 2016

£505.75 (RRP £595.00 Member (standard rate))

Members of global private equity and venture capital associations (e.g. BVCA and Invest Europe)

£590.75 (RRP £695.00 Non-member (standard rate))






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