- + 352 28 68 19
- lpea-office@lpea.lu
- 14, rue Erasme, L-1468 LUXEMBOURG
Luxembourg Private Equity Cocktail in Paris
The Embassy of Luxembourg in France and the LPEA organised the Luxembourg Private Equity Cocktail in Paris on the 21st of April.
This cocktail brought together French and Luxembourg PE players to discuss key trends in the sector.
- 6.00pm: Registration
- 6.15pm: Welcome speech by Martine Schommer, Ambassador of Luxembourg to France, and Stephane Pesch, CEO of LPEA.
- 6.25pm: Master-Feeder structures: the Franco-Luxembourg perspective. Considerations for French managers seeking to expand their fund marketing and distribution operations while catering to a broader investor-base. The session will cover legal, regulatory and commercial aspects as well as testimonies from French and Luxembourg actors.
- Speakers list:
- Joanna Pecenik, Counsel – Funds & Asset Management, member of Allen & Overy’s France-Luxembourg platform
- Sébastien Robillot, Head of legal for Market, Structured and Alternative Products at BNP Paribas Asset Management
- Amaury Lambert, Secretary General at Edmond de Rothschild Private Equity
- Romain Chauvin, Private Equity Product Specialist at Edmond de Rothschild Private Equity
- Speakers list:
- 6.45pm: Networking
- Apr 21 2022
- Expired!