Home Events - LPEA Recent Trends in PE Financing

Recent Trends in PE Financing

This event organised by the LPEA Financing in PE Technical Committee will address the following topics:

– Updates to the Luxembourg financial collateral law
– The introduction of the professional payment guarantee in the Luxembourg legal landscape
– Bankruptcy law reform
– Clarification of the non-applicability of financial assistance restrictions to SARLs
– Market template of loan agreement
– What’s next?


– Constantin Iscru – DLA Piper
– Delphine Gomes – AKD
– Dominik Pauly – Arendt & Medernach
– Tiago Ventura Mendes – Linklaters
– Nicolas Widung – BSP
– Ana Bramao – Elvinger Hoss Prussen
– Aurélien Favier – Pictet
– Guilhaume Roch – Societé Générale Securities Services Luxembourg


Register here

Location: Société Générale Luxembourg – Bâtiment Plaza – Access by 21 Rue d’Epernay.

Map Rue Epernay



Nov 14 2022
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm