
LPEA raises EUR 4,500 as part of its new Charity Initiative to support local independent artists affected by the Covid-19 pandemic

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Photo: Natalia Koltunovskaya, Michaela Viskupicova (LPEA) and Yuri Klempert.


LPEA raises EUR 4,500 as part of its new Charity Initiative 

to support local independent artists affected by the Covid-19 pandemic

The Luxembourg Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (LPEA) raised EUR 4,500 during an online charity piano recital held on the 29th of April, 2020.

This was part of a new Charity Initiative launched by LPEA to support artists who have lost all or most of their income due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

The first artist selected was Yuri Klempert, a well-known music professor and piano soloist who moved to Luxembourg in 2003 and has been teaching music and performing here ever since. Professor Klempert started his music journey in Yekaterinburg Conservatory (Russia) and worked in Saint-Petersburg for many years.

During his live performance transmitted through LPEA’s webinar platform and on Youtube, Professor Klempert played four classical compositions by Frederic Chopin, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff and Franz Liszt. His performance can be found on LPEA’s Youtube channel.

Thanks to LPEA’s responsive community the initiative collected EUR 4,500 from private and public donors, including Spuerkeess, which we thank wholeheartedly. 100% of the funds collected were to the artist´s benefit.

The next artist performing in our Charity initiative will be the Iranian guitarist and composer Yasha Zare, on June 2nd.

Donations can still be made on “LPEA COVID-19 initiative for local artists” (BCEE Bank Account: LU 12 00 19 57 55 05 22 40 00 – SWIFT CODE: BCEELULL)