
LPEA & SECA Breakfast Event in Zurich (4/02/2016)

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February 4th : LPEA / SECA Breakfast Conference

Structuring and distribution of PE/ VC funds in the EU by Swiss investment fund managers.

zurich heading mail


Structuring and distribution of PE/ VC funds in the EU by Swiss investment fund managers.

LPEA, the Luxembourg Private Equity and Venture Capital Association, in partnership with SECA, the Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association, organised the 3rd Zurich lecture and discussion on February 4th 2016.

After the introduction of the special limited partnership (“SPLP”), the European Venture Capital Funds (“EuVECA”) and more recently the European Long Term Fund “ELTIF”, Luxembourg continues to innovate. The year 2016 will welcome the Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (“RAIF”) which is expected to have the advantages of the known fund structures for private equity (SIF and SICAR) with those of the successful “Spezial-Kommanditgesellschaft”. Since the RAIF is not approved by the regulatory authority but by a regulated Alternative Investment Fund Managers (“AIFM”), it can therefore obtain a marketing authorization in the EU and feature further advantages with respect to timing and placement options.

These and further trends/ hot topics were on discussion in a roundtable and Q&A hosted by LPEA and SECA. To obtain the slides of the presentation send a request to lpea-office@wordpress-701154-2364522.cloudwaysapps.com.

Overall, the event aimed at:

• Updating participants on the latest Luxembourg market trends and news, notably those which are more often used by Swiss-based investors;
• Showcase Luxembourg as a leading financial centre and home to a growing PE industry in which most of the bigger PE firms worldwide are already present and operating;
• Present Luxembourg as boosting excellent conditions to be a preferred location for Zurich-based investors willing to enhance their cross-border options, both in Europe as abroad.

LPEA & SECA thank the participation of the speakers and moderator:

          • Moderator: Anja Grenner, SGG Group
          • Paul Junck, Managing Director, LPEA
          • Jürgen Habichler, Founder and Managing Partner, Mountain Cleantech AG
          • Max Welbes, Partner & Head of Investment Funds, MNKS
          • Günther Dobrauz, Partner – Regulatory/Tax, PWC Schweiz
          • Oliver Schachinger, Partner – Regulatory/Tax, PwC Luxemburg
          • Dirk Richter, Partner und Rechtsanwalt, Elvinger, Hoss & Prussen

The session concluded with a networking reception. If you wish to be invited to the next session in 2017, please subscribe to LPEA’s newsletter here.








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