
Luxembourg, a European gateway for China: update on Private Equity and M&A

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Luxembourg, a European gateway for China: update on Private Equity and M&A

Co-organised by LPEA and ChinaLux

lux china 2017 slide

The Luxembourg, a European gateway for China: update on Private Equity and M&A conference will, for the first time, explore Luxembourg’s role in inbound and outbound investments between China and Europe.

Co-organised by the associations ChinaLux and LPEA, the event will bring together speakers from China and Luxembourg who will share their insights on the growing importance of Luxembourg as a bridge between China and Europe and notably in the Private Equity and M&A sectors.

A hub for expansion into Europe and beyond

Luxembourg has a long-standing reputation of being the global center of cross-border investment fund management. Therefore, if a Chinese asset manager plans to launch an investment fund product and to distribute this on a cross-border basis, i.e., not only in Europe but back to Asia, to Latin America and to the Middle East, Luxembourg offers the ideal platform for their distribution ambitions. A number of well established factors make Luxembourg the leading jurisdiction. These include Luxembourg’s “brand recognition” and “track record” in the cross-border space with a market share of almost 75%, the existence of a center of excellence for its fund infrastructure and expertise to create products covering all asset classes and for any investor type, deep servicing and product structuring know-how in the cross-border space, multi-language capabilities and, most importantly, a very stable economic, political and regulatory environment.

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7, Rue Alcide de Gasperi
Luxembourg Kirchberg




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