
Luxembourg Breakfast in Zurich (8/03/2018)

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Luxembourg Breakfast in Zurich


zurich 8mar2018 flyer

Luxembourg’s Private Equity hub is well known for Swiss-based asset managers. With its multiple structuring options and a very dynamic private equity and venture capital sector, the context in which fund managers operate in Luxembourg continues to evolve as new regulation is implemented across Europe.

In this session, a panel of Luxembourg and Swiss experts will present the latest changes and explore the activities conducted by GPs in Luxembourg, in particular those carried out by SUSI Partners, guest GP at the conference.


8 March 2017


7.45 a.m.  – Registration & Breakfast

8.15 a.m. – Welcome by Paul Junck, LPEA

8.20 a.m. – Discussion Panel with Q&A

Anja Grenner, Director Funds, Intertrust (moderator)
Janin Söder, Vice President, Client Relations, SUSI Partners
Andreas Meier, Partner, Deloitte
Anja Cavigilli, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, CH Advisors
Harald Strelen, Lawyer and expert in Banking & Finance, AIQunited

10.15 a.m. – Networking & Farewell Drinks


Five years after the start of the AIFM-Directive and two years after the introduction of the Luxembourg RAIF Regime, focus in 2018 is on distribution. AIFMD stated that until 2018 the private placement regime would continue to exist alongside the EU passport until 2018. So where are we standing today? How are Swiss Asset Managers affected? Will they benefit from the 3rd country regime in fund distribution? What are alternative routes to the 3rd country regime? A Swiss Asset Manager and a Placement Agent based in Zürich will give insights about different distribution strategies used in the market.

Another aspect of distribution is its internationalization and the impact the AIFMD has on this. While comparisons with the UCITS–distribution regime is generally not well perceived by PE asset managers, is AIFMD replicating UCITS and are we experiencing a copy-paste of the success of UCITS?

Burden to most, regulation is increasing everywhere; we will brief the audience on the impact of MIFID II on Private Equity, including aspect like Transparency, Data Protection, the interaction between Placement Agent and other Parties, as well as Digitalization as a new concept.

Going forward, distribution will also be marked by new trends – blockchain technologies invade not only distribution, but also administrative areas such as fund administration and fund audits. SUSI will explain how blockchain will influence their global distribution concept while the Luxembourg representatives will give examples of how blockchain are influencing the day-to-day management already today and what may come next.

Last but not least, taking blockchain further, we will discuss the coming of cryptocurrencies into the Asset Management world. Can those be used by PE asset managers? Or are they rather an asset class by itself? How are regulators dealing with this new asset class? Will they need to use offshore jurisdictions going forward or will regulated jurisdictions embrace them as well in the future?

This event will give participants the opportunity to discuss these topics with experts from Luxembourg and Switzerland in a 2-hour morning session.


Meet us at the Au Premier

Bahnhofpl. 15, 8001 Zürich




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