
Luxembourg Venture Capital breakfast in Berlin (21/06/2018)

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Luxembourg Venture Capital breakfast in Berlin


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Luxembourg is a well known hub for private equity investment across Europe. What few fund managers and entrepreneurs actually know, is that it is also a particularly interesting location to establish VC funds. This year LPEA decided to tweak its traditional private equity roadshow and address venture capital managers directly in Europe’s trendy start-up capital: Berlin!

Join us in this event to discover the Luxembourg fund structuring toolbox and its dynamic VC scene, home to the European Investment Fund and a few other successful VC players.

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8:10   Registration & coffee

8:35   Welcome and introduction

  • Hans Jürgen Schmitz, Honorary President of LPEA
  • H.E. Jean Graff, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

8:45   European VC Landscape 2018 by David Dana, ICT Investment Manager, European Investment Fund

9:05   Luxembourg as VC fund domicile (Panel)

  • Dr. Carmen von Nell-Breuning, EY Luxembourg (moderator)
  • Dr. Christian Weiss, Creathor Ventures
  • Dr. Helder Schnittker, Schnittker Möllmann Partners
  • Maren Stadler-Tjan, Arendt & Medernach
  • Dr. Thomas Goergen, LIS AIFM

9:45 Fireside chat: Getting VC deals done out of Berlin

  • Mick Halsband, Berlin Innovation Ventures
  • Christopher Dortschy, Allen & Overy

10:00  Investors & entrepreneurs talk (Panel)

  • Hans Jürgen Schmitz, Mangrove Capital Partners (moderator)
  • David Dana, EIF
  • Oliver Schimek, CrossLend

10:35  Closing words by Axel Gränitz, Chairman of the Business Club Luxemburg

10:40  Q&A and networking Coffee

About Luxembourg

Luxembourg is well known for its solid financial centre which success is founded on the social and political stability of the Grand Duchy and on a modern legal and regulatory framework that is continuously updated.

Over the years, specific regulatory frameworks have been created for alternative investment funds and venture capital investment funds which, combined with Luxembourg’s openness to the world, has attracted many private equity firms and specialist service providers from all over the world.

LPEA, as the trade association for Private Equity and Venture Capital Players in Luxembourg, is hosting this roadshow to present the country and the conditions which have already attracted some of the major international PE firms to set office in Luxembourg. We expect you to learn first-hand testimonials from some of our players as well as from the service providers who, together with the investors, build a strong and reliable ecosystem.

LPEA Roadshow Sponsors

Meet us at the AMANO Grand Central

Heidestrasse 62
10557 Berlin




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