

Eurazeo - Marc Boulesteix
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This edition kicks off with an interview of Marc Boulesteix, Director of Eurazeo Luxembourg providing a global picture of their activity and a special dossier on Private Equity in France with interview of Claude de Raismes on Wendel’s perennial nature, Gorka Gonzales showcases the new BPI France’s retail fund and overarching article on the experience of different French expats working in PE/VC in Luxembourg … and much more! Here is the entire table of content.

– Cover Story: Eurazeo – Marc Boulesteix
– Special “Dossier” on France
         –           BPI France – Interview Gorka Gonzales
         –           Wendel – Interview Claude de Raismes
         –           France Invest – Article by AlexisDupont
         –           Fundraising by Cedrus & Partners
         –           Recruitment and experiences of French professionals and expats
Economic outlook by Natixis Investment Management
Placement agents and investor relations by C*Funds
Democratisation of PE by iCapital Network
AIFMD review by PwC
ELTIF review by KPMG
ESG covenants by Deloitte
Smart capture/automated depositary tool by BBH
Digital assets FAQ by Arendt
LPEA Large Buyout Club
Sailing: Siggy’s CupThe LPEA team would like to thank all the contributors and the sponsors of Insight/Out Magazine. 


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