
Private Equity training, a driver for talent development and attraction

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Article by Evi Gkini, Business Development & Project Manager at LPEA as published in January’s Agefi

Luxembourg is a very attractive country for people working in the financial sector. The alternative investments industry and more specifically Private Equity/Venture Capital (“PE/VC”) have tremendously grown over the last years and as such are in constant need of talents. Professionals usually come from the financial industry, but can also join from other sectors (industry, health, IT, etc.) and from abroad thanks to companies welcoming newcomers on an everyday basis.

The regular on-boarding of new staff brings embeds new challenges with for example a growing need for specialised training in alternative investments and notably in PE and VC. The challenge applies both to companies which need the right skill set to operate and to individuals who seek appropriate training in order to improve their knowledge and advance their career.

In recent years, we spotted this need in the LPEA team as well. Each of us can look for different trainings in various areas which we believe will add value to our work and which of course include courses dedicated to our own sector. From this need to develop an association-driven program and to launch an entire Academy targeting our community was a short step, especially knowing that many of the association members would take the challenge to share their expertise, knowledge with lots of passion and engagement.

As with every crisis, the pandemic was a period of challenges and opportunities. It was the first lockdown which ”inspired” us to implement the very first digital LPEA Academy. The online format worked well and allowed us to share the Luxembourg expertise with the local professionals and to enlarge it to a more international audience. In a way, it could be seen as a good preparation for those willing to move to Luxembourg and work here. For companies, it also validates the candidates’ knowledge of the Luxembourg operating framework (toolbox, structuring and actors)

Some extra value was created thanks to the accreditation by the Ministry of Education and becoming a member of the “Lifelong learning” network and of the CPD Certification Service (Continuing Professional Development and points).

With the 4th edition of the Academy coming up in March, the 10-module program was adapted to combine entry (foundation), intermediate, and experienced courses with experts from previous editions and new ones who have prepared fresh content for example on ‘’ESG’’, ‘’Risk Management’’ and “Value creation”.

230 Participants, 40 speakers and 12 different modules later, the only thing we’re missing is the physical interaction which should now finally happen during this new edition, thanks to a dedicated networking event which will be organised. For those not based in Luxembourg, it could be a good excuse/occasion to meet local peers and come closer to recruitment opportunities.

It is interesting to see how the Academy became an all-in-one opportunity: train Private Equity teams, offer specialised development for active professionals and an attraction magnet for new talents.