Roundtable: Third-party AIFMs are here to stay

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Third-Party AIFMs are a new type of entity which has emerged as a result of the introduction of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) in the EU/EEA. Some AIFMs are also classified as “Super ManCos” (Super Management Companies), notably those using the same legal entity to consolidate operations for both UCITS funds and AIFMD-compliant funds. Using a third-party AIFM, a fund sponsor that is not itself licenced as an AIFM, can distribute and market its funds across the EU/EEA and beyond, using the passport of the AIFM. Since the Directive came into force in 2013, Luxembourg has witnessed an increase in the number of local players embracing this new opportunity. LPEA invited four of these players over a roundtable moderated by a fund manager, to debate how this “new” opportunity is changing the fund business.

Roundtable held by the Luxembourg Private Equity & Venture Capital Association on January 18th 2016 with the participation of Benoît Chéron (moderator), CFO, IDI Emerging Markets (IDI EM); Nigel Williams, Co- founder and Chairman, Royalton Partners; Daniela Klasén-Martin, Managing Director, Crestbridge; Alexandre Dumont, CEO, BIL Manage Invest and Pierre Weimerskirch, Co-founder, Luxembourg Investment Solutions (LIS).