- + 352 28 68 19
- lpea-office@lpea.lu
- 12, rue Erasme, L-1468 LUXEMBOURG
If this is your first contact with Luxembourg, don’t expect less than to be surprised with what our small country has to offer.
This page is intended to guide you through different aspects of setting up your private equity and venture capital activity in Luxembourg.
We remain available for a virtual call if you prefer a more personal contact. Looking forward to meeting you!
Best wishes,
Luxembourg is an hidden gem in the heart of Europe. It boosts a strong economy and a thriving population. To discover all about Luxembourg’s economy, stability and overal atractiveness, visit our parent association Luxembourg for Finance.
If all of the biggest PE firms operate from Luxembourg, there must be a reason to it. We compiled a guide to help you go through the Luxembourg “toolbox” which is how we call the different features available to investors and fund managers.
The LPEA community is made of over 300 corporate members aggregating thousands of PE professionals, many of which active in our different committees and clubs. Get to know our members through our news and events.
You can also download our latest PE Insight/Out Magazine.
LPEA is the go-to platform to meet, learn and share knowledge. You can easily join the local PE/VC community by becoming our member and accessing all of its benefits. We even have a special membership for LPs and GPs based outside of Luxembourg. Explore the different types of membership.
Luxembourg is one of Partners Group's fund jurisdictional hubs. It is also where we have our AIFM. It is therefore a jurisdiction which, along with many others for us as a global firm, is key to the smooth running of our business.
Vanessa Camilleri, Partners Group
by Jhemp Bastin. Photo: Luc Ewen
The Luxembourg Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LPEA) is the most trusted and relevant representative body of private equity and venture capital practitioners with a presence in Luxembourg.
Created in 2010 by a leading group of private equity and venture capital players in Luxembourg, with 300 members today, LPEA plays a leading role locally actively promoting PE and VC in Luxembourg.
LPEA provides a dynamic and interactive platform which helps investors and advisors to navigate through latest trends in the industry. International by nature, the association allows members to network, exchange experience, expand their knowledge and grow professionally attending workshops and trainings held on a regular basis.
If Luxembourg is your location of choice for private equity, LPEA is your choice to achieve outstanding results
LPEA is a member of Invest Europe and Luxembourg For Finance
The Luxembourg PE industry, however, is distinct from many other countries. Due to the limited size of its domestic market, the added value of Luxembourg for the mostly international GPs is mainly represented by efficient PE transaction and fund structuring possibilities rather than PE investment opportunities on the national territory. This has several implications on the goals, objectives and composition of the LPEA.
As a general rule, LPEA shall encompass and represent the interests of all actors that shape or serve the PE value chain in Luxembourg, which include:
LPEA aims at bringing new talents and young professionals to Luxembourg and to the PE asset class in particular. With this motto, LPEA intends to raise the level of expertise and the diversity of professionals by increasing the offer of high skilled experts and by actively contributing to that offer through training, mentoring and networking.
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