

LPEA Academy
Key figures Academy 2023








Hours of CPD training

In 2024, the LPEA Academy will be held throughout the year with online and in-person modules.

After six successful editions regrouping more than 340 participants and 40 speakers, we are happy to offer again a selection of foundation, intermediate and expert courses, inspired from the industry’s needs, expectations and delivered by seasoned hands-on practitioners.

If you have further questions, you can contact us at academy@lpea.lu

Upcoming Modules



Deloitte premises

22 to 24 October, 2024,

TBC (Members) | TBC (Non-Members)

Module 1 – Infra as an Asset Class
Part 1:

  • What is Infra and Infra Subsectors
  • A specific look at Infra Debt

Part 2:

  • Infra from a risk and reward perspective (from Core to Opportunistic)
  •  Market information on Infra trends (built from Prequin)

Module 2 – Valuation specifics for Infra

  • Risk Taking / Investment process
  • Buy and Hold vs Buy and Sell
  • ESG for Infra Assets (how the Infra targeting is allowing net zero strategies to be implemented) 

Part 2:

  • Valuation: practical examples (Core/Core+/Value Add)
  • Stress testing for Infra assets from the eyes of an Asset Manager

Module 3 – Structuring for Infra Assets

  • Direct investment / Indirect Investment / Co-Investment (valuation / interest in duplicating Mgt fees, underwriting with JV Partners)
  •  ESG for Funds (SFDR, Governance, Certifications)
  • Tax structuring specifics

Followed by a networking lunch on the last day.

Previous Modules

It’s not too late!
The video recording of each of our online past modules is accessible, if you would like to register to access the videos, please send us a message to academy@lpea.lu.

Private Equity Foundation


11 March to 14 March, 2024

460 (Members) | 610 (Non-Members) + VAT

Why attend?

This is an exclusive training with Cyril Demaria, Affiliate Professor at EDHEC Business School. A private equity expert combining academic expertise and practical experience, he headed the private markets research activity at the firm. His extensive knowledge of the asset class spans 20 years during which he has notably held positions at the CIO of UBS, where he was in charge of private markets research (buy side). 

What to expect?

The training will take place online (via zoom) from 12 pm to 2 pm  from 11 March to 14 March, 2024.

It will notably include: 

  • Perspective on private markets: volumes, evolution, regions and strategies.
  • Setting up a portfolio.
  • Top-down and bottom-up approaches.
  • Illustration with real portfolios.
  • Current debates: numerator and denominator effects. and much more!

Venture Capital


18 March to 20 March, 2024

280 (Members) | 430 (Non-Members) + VAT

This module is provided by Jérôme Wittamer, Alain Rodermann, and Lily Wang from Expon Capital on Venture Capital.

The course will notably cover three sessions with the following topics:

  1. Venture Capital Fund dynamics
  2. Venture Capital deal making & tools
  3. Venture Capital Fund Investing


What to expect?

The training will take place online (via zoom) from 12:30 pm  from 18 March to 20 March, 2024.

It will notably include: 

  • VC Fund economics.
  • VC Portfolio diversification.
  • Negotiating term sheets.
  • Equity vs. convertibles
    and much more!


PwC Academy

22 April to 24 April, 2024

460 (Members) | 615 (Non-Members)

In collaboration with LVPA

April 22: Introduction to valuation and valuation methodologies


  • Hind El Gaidi, ICG
  • Antoine Boggini, BHB
  • Elena Moisei, Kroll

April 23: Valuation of Private Equity, Private Debt and Venture Capital


  • Daniele Arcidiaco, KPMG
  • Samir Moussaoui, PwC Luxembourg
  • Irina Ridel, Mazars

The objective of this module is to provide participants with an understanding of the specifics of private equity valuation. This module will cover both theory and application of Market, Income and Cost approaches according to best practices, and the IPEV
Guidelines.  For more information download the brochure.

April 24: Valuation of Infrastructure and Real Estate


  • Christophe Vandendorpe, EY
  • Rafael Le Saux, PwC Luxembourg
  • Alp Sen, EY
  • Alexandre Goossens, PwC Luxembourg

Middle Management Training

House of Finance - 12 Rue Erasme, 1468 Kirchberg

6, 8 & 13 May, 2024

555 (Members) | 710 (Non-Members) + VAT

Why attend?

This exclusive training, offered in collaboration with Zortify, is a unique blend of self-awareness and leadership skills development, designed to elevate your management and leadership capabilities.

What to expect?

Starting point for your journey is a personality assessment conducted by Zortify followed by three mastermind sessions with Sophia Karlsson, Senior Human Experience Manager:

  1. Personality, Leadership, and Team Building: Understanding Your Strengths
  2. Mastering Interpersonal Communication
  3. Resilience and Self-Efficacy: Enhancing Your Entrepreneurial Capital



14 May to 16 May, 2024

340 (Members) | 495 (Non-Members)

What to expect?

Session 1

  • About EIF / Coller
  • Capital & Secondaries
  • Market Overview and History
    and much more

Session 2

  • A Portfolio Management Tool
  • LP-led secondaries
  • GP-led secondaries

Session 3

  • The Share Purchase Agreement (main provisions)
  • Process and closing considerations
  • Other legal and/or tax considerations

As described in our strategic plan 2020 – 2025, education and talent attraction are core LPEA priorities.

We, at the LPEA & LPEA Academy, firmly believe that:

VIDEO RECORDINGS of the academy 

The video recording of each of our modules is accessible to all registered participants in the respective module. To access the videos, please ask your module password to academy@lpea.lu

Recordings will  be available once the module is finished.

What people say about THE LPEA ACADEMY