
AGM 2024

Date: 11 June
Location: BNP Paribas S.A., Luxembourg branch, Securities Services (60 avenue J-F Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg)

The AGM is exclusive to LPEA Members and selected guests. All members are invited to attend the event.


17:30 – Registration
18:00 – Welcome by Claus Mansfeldt, Chairman of the LPEA
18:10 – Annual Report by the LPEA team
18:30 – Statutory matters
18:45 – Interview on the 20 years of the SICAR in Luxembourg with guest speakers Gilles Dusemon (Arendt & Medernach), Hans-Jürgen Schmitz (Mangrove Capital Partners) and Keith O’Donnell (Atoz).

19:00 – Networking Drink


Jun 11 2024
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm