
Luxembourg Breakfast in Zurich (9 March 2017)

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Luxembourg Breakfast in Zurich (9 March 2017)

In partnership with SECA, Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association.

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The Luxembourg Private Equity and Venture Capital Association organizes its 4th annual discussion and exchange forum.

9 March 2017


7.45 a.m.  – Registration & Breakfast

8.30 a.m. – Welcome by Paul Junck, LPEA

8.35 a.m. – Discussion Panel with Q&A

Anja Grenner, Fund Services Leader, SGG Group (moderator)
Philipp Mueller, Senior Vice President at Partners Group
Stephanie Aldag, Executive Director, Senior Legal Counsel, Adveq
Christoph Merz, Senior Product Manager, responsAbility Investments AG
Benjamin de Zordi, Tax Partner at PwC Switzerland
Christian Hertz,
Director Legal, Luxembourg Investment Solutions
Tobias Wieczorek, Senior Manager, KPMG Luxembourg
Harald Strelen, Partner, TaxInvest

11.00 a.m. – Networking & Farewell Drinks


LPEA Roadshow Sponsors



Meet us at the Au Premier

Zürich HB
Bahnhofpl. 15
8001 Zürich



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