
Archived events

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GP Workshop: Data Protection (31/05/2017)

GP Workshop: Data Protection Luxembourg | 31/05/2017 Event exclusive to GPs and LPs members of LPEA. Non-member GPs and LPs by invitation only. ___________________________________________________________________ GP Workshop

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LPEA Roadshow in London (23/05/2017)

LPEA Roadshow in London (23/05/2017) In the context of the ALFI London Conference Luxembourg is well known for its solid financial centre which success is founded

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AGM 2017 (8/05/2017)

AGM – Statutory Meeting & Networking Cocktail 8/05/2017, Banque de Luxembourg LPEA Annual General Assembly 8/05/2017 Banque de Luxembourg 14, Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg 17:30 – Opening

0100 Conference Dublin (10 May 2017)

  The 0100 Conference Dublin is an LP-GP focused conference which will bring together 70 speakers and more than 350 senior level attendees, presenting the greatest networking opportunity for those wishing

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LPEA Insights – 360 GP View

  LPEA Insights 360 GP View   The LPEA Insights: 360 GP View conference is a new concept proposed by the Luxembourg Private Equity and

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New Year’s Event 2017

New Year’s Event 2017 Exclusive to LPEA Members The New Year’s Event is already a tradition with LPEA. The social gathering brings together the members of