


LuxFLAG: Implementing ESG in Private Equity

  LuxFLAG’s next breakfast seminar on ‘Implementing ESG in private equity’ will welcome LPEA members Claus Mansfeldt (Managing Director) and Holger Emmel (Director, Legal &


AGM 2018 (7/05/2018)

Horizontal Gallery LPEA: Annual General Meeting (AGM) of members Auditorium of the Banque de Luxembourg AGENDA 17:30 – Registration and signature of representatives’ list 18:00


LPEA pre-Insights: Impact Investing (Summary)

Hedda Pahlson-Moller (Tiime), Clément Chenost (The Moringa Partnership), Corinne Molitor (International Climate Finance Accelerator), Lionel Cormier (Demeter) and Jérôme Wittamer (Expon Capital and President of

Family Office Forum – Wiesbaden 2018

Das Family Office Forum Wiesbaden ist das jährliche Event deutschsprachiger Family Offices. 17. – 18. April 2018, Wiesbaden: Seien Sie dabei wenn sich 160+ Family Offices


LPEA Insights 2018

Registrations are now open to the second edition of LPEA Insights, Luxembourg’s leading private equity and venture capital conference. This half-day event, taking place on


Luxembourg Breakfast in Zurich (8/03/2018)

Luxembourg Breakfast in Zurich #LPEAroadshow Luxembourg’s Private Equity hub is well known for Swiss-based asset managers. With its multiple structuring options and a very dynamic

Ageing Fit 2018

AgeingFit’s business convention is the most efficient way to identify and connect with potential business, research and financial partners. Registration LPEA members have access to


BRICs Infrastructure Investments (30/01/2018)

BRICs Infrastructure Investments Philharmonie Luxembourg, 30/01/2018, 17:30-22:00 This 3rd BRIC event dedicated to infrastructure is the result of cooperation of the BRIC country chambers and


LPEA Breakfast in Munich (12/12/2017)

LPEA Breakfast in Munich (12/12/2017) #LPEAroadshow | Meet us at the Literaturhaus München Die Luxembourg Private Equity and Venture Capital Association lädt zu ihrem diesjährigen


Financial Seminar in New York (17/10/2017)

Financial Seminar in New York (17/10/2017) Luxembourg solutions for raising capital in Europe and beyond In partnership with ALFI, Luxembourg for Finance and the Consulate